Are you...

Paying in

Benefit statements

Each year we will send you an invitation by email to view your benefit statement online through our 'My Pension' website.

If we do not have a record of your email address your benefit statement will be posted to the home address we currently hold for you.

LGPS member site

Access general advice on how your Local Government Pension scheme works.

No longer paying in

Benefit statements

Each year we will send you an invitation by email to view your benefit statement online through our 'My Pension' website.

If we do not have a record of your email address your benefit statement will be posted to the home address we currently hold for you.

Receiving your LGPS pension


A P60 is a certificate showing the pension paid and tax deducted during the previous tax year. We will send you a P60 in May each year.


We send a payslip to you at least three times a year.

Pensions increase notification

We will write to you every April with details of your pension increase.

Don't forget to keep in touch with us and let us know if you:
  • change address
  • change your bank or building society
  • accept another job where you can join the LGPS
  • change your marriage/relationship status
  • wish to change your nomination of beneficiary for death grant

View theĀ Pensioner 2022 newsletter

Click here for links to a number of websites that you may find helpful.

Useful links