Paying in
Whether you've just joined or you are about to retire you can find out all about your pension scheme here. You can move around this part of the site by following the links to the pages listed below.
Whether you've just joined or you are about to retire you can find out all about your pension scheme here. You can move around this part of the site by following the links to the pages listed below.
Following on from our survey of active and deferred members, the Fund has produced a summary of the results. The annual survey offers members the opportunity to provide direct feedback on whether the Fund is providing you with the right level of support. We use the results to analyse where we are getting things right and where we can improve.
Open survey results hereOur new member self-service website, 'My Pension' is now live. It offers:
Simple registration and log in / Updated look and design / Online annual benefit statements / Retirement planning tool / Ability to update personal details / Nomination for death benefits and more.
The perfect place to keep up to date with your Local Government Pension Scheme benefits.
Find out about 'My Pension' and how to register.We are pleased to provide our latest newsletter to help you keep up to date with your Local Government Pension Scheme
Access newsletter hereFind out more about contribution rates and the pay bands you fall into.
Find out more about how a Career Average Revalued Earnings (or CARE) scheme.
Your pension is reviewed each year and kept in line with the cost of living. Find more about your retirement here.
Learn more about the option to stay in the Scheme but pay a reduced contribution.
Here you can find information about leaving the Pension Scheme you are paying in to.
Find out more about the benefits available to your survivors, should you die as an active member.
Click here for key pensions information for councillors.
You can pay more to top up your pension.
If you are a paying in member, you can opt out at any time. Before doing so, we recommend you research the impact of such a decision.
The Fund are pleased to provide you with the opportunity to attend free Local Government Pension Scheme training, We will be running three courses in January, May and October each year.
Find out about pension trainingThe recent surveys highlighted that members want simple Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) information - so we've produced a brief guide to the LGPS.
This is available via the link below.
Access LGPS guideA new guide is available to support members who are planning for their retirement.
Retirement Planning Guide