Admissions and cessations to the Fund
New Admitted Bodies
The latest employer newsletter is now available
Access Employer Newsletter hereOur employer toolkit has been designed to support you in the main processes and procedures you are responsible for under the Local Government Pension Scheme.
We would encourage you to look at the Employer Toolkit in the first instance when you have a process query as the toolkit was designed to cover information that employers often ask East Sussex Pension Fund.
Employer ToolkitThe Local Government Pension Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) have produced a document to help LGPS employers understand some of the most complex accounting issues they’re faced with, including pension costs and pension liabilities.
Explore LGPS informer documenti-Connect is an internet application which helps to manage the transfer of employee information from payroll administrators to pensions administrators.
Every year The East Sussex Pension Fund runs a Forum to support employers.
Employer Forum
Find the relevant forms and publications for employers
Employers have a legal responsibility to provide data at various times throughout the year. Find out more here
Annual Projects
We have produced a guide to help employers understand what constitutes ill health retirement within the Local Government Pension Scheme regulations and details their role in supporting members through the process
Ill health retirement guide for employersWe have recently updated the HR and payroll guides to reflect the annual updates for 2023/24.
This guide sets out the requirements for Human Resource (HR) departments of employers who provide the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
HR Guide To The LGPSThis guide sets out the requirements for payrolls in respect of the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Payroll Guide - LGPSNew Admitted Bodies
If a body does not qualify as a scheduled or resolution body then the body must meet the definition of an ‘admission body’ and must enter into an admission agreement with the Fund. The criteria for gaining admitted body status is defined in Part 3, paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013.
The key features of participation of an admission body are summarised below:
If you believe that your organisation meets any of the admission body definitions then please contact the Employer Engagement team.- [email protected]
For general Employer and Contributions enquiries
i-Connect enquiries
Pensions Administration and member enquiries
0300 200 1022
LGPS31 submissions